Dr. McBride is a regular commentator on national news networks, podcasts, and radio shows, offering contextualized guidance on the latest medical news. She has published opinion pieces in The Atlantic, The Washington Post, USA Today, CNN, and other outlets to help people make sense of medical information and make healthy decisions.

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  • Best Doctor in Northern Virginia Lucy McBride

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    Wired and tired and don't know who to trust? Dr. McBride delivers straight talk and evidence-based guidance to help you manage mental and physical health in tandem, delivered weekly.

  • Beyond the Prescription with Lucy McBride

    Listen to the podcast—Beyond the Prescription

    What does it mean to be "healthy"? Each week, Dr. McBride talks to her guests like she does her patients, pulling the curtain back on the true meaning of "health" and delivering actionable ideas to live longer and better.

  • Work with Dr. McBride

    Dr. McBride has a robust clinical practice in Washington, DC. She also brings her thought leadership to broadcast news, print media, live events, and Congressional hearings.